Have you ever been to a “farm to table” (F2T) meal before? I haven’t, that is until very recently. As a major proponent of sustainability, organic foods, and “fresh” I was very much looking forward to my first F2T experience, and I must say, I was not disappointed. At the Mahaffey Farm (www.mahaffeyfarms.com) in Princeton, Louisiana 150 of us dined on slow roasted natural pork, “greens,” and rice — all grown and raised either on Evan McCommon’s farm or in the immediate area. It truly was a great experience, and one I hope to repeat in the near future.
This F2T dinner was part of the northern Louisiana chapter of the “slow food” movement (www.slowfoodusa.org). Slow food got its start some 20 some years ago in Italy as a counter to the fast food, processed food trend that was becoming more prevalent in Europe. Today it is a worldwide movement and, as suggested above, promotes the use of naturally raised, organic, and sustainable food items. We need more of these kinds of foods. The entire foodservice industry needs to think and act more around sustainability, organic foods, natural foods, locally grown foods, etc., etc. Why? Because it’s good for the environment and it’s great for us two legged creatures who inhabit this earth. F2T — try it someday. You’ll like it. But more importantly, it’s good for you! I can’t wait for the next “party.”